Returning from Africa and Holland, I moved into a friend's home whose father mistakenly rented to a drug dealer, who they call "hippie." Hippie trashed the place. On the outside it looks quite nice, and the location is perfect, with a great view, but inside the house is a disaster. On the left is one of the many night-vision security cameras that hippie left. He left nearly everything - after being forced out by the city and when the police took an interest. Many truck loads of junk were taken to the dump.

Walls were covered with graffiti and others painted black. Doors and windows were broken, and parts of ceilings ripped out. I spent a great deal of time sanding, painting, sweeping, and loading up the trucks with junk. The landlord will have the kitchen and bathroom redone. I'm paying a reduced rent until the place is fixed up to liveable standards. After a two month trip I don't feel settled - like I'm still on the move. It's strange not having a home. I can't wait to get back to work and have some friends over for dinner. My girlfriend, Debbie Holseth, tries on the dress and jewelry I brought back from Africa.