Monday, 9 February 2015

Book Stand by Carol Kajorinne with Books

                                             I commissioned Caroline Kajorinne, a young metalsmith in Thunder Bay to create a book stand for me. Her boyfriend, Kriev, did a little sculpture version of the Ugg, featured at the top of the stand, complete with little buildings and the cloud of dust the Ugg kicks up when he stomps down his path. You can see Carol's work HERE.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Helping out students at Confederation College

Had fun last week helping out students of the film program at Confederation College, playing the lead role as the "Liftman" - operating an elevator, getting berated mostly by the tenants in an old apartment building. The students are from all over the world this year - Sudharm from India, Zhenya from Ukraine, others from the Caribbean, South America, and elsewhere. Some shooting was done in an actual apartment building, but the students built a set in the green screen room at the College where most of the filming was done, and allowing for some special effects. Can't wait to see the results.