I have a YouTube page! Click HERE! (Please watch, like, share and subscribe!) Short animations, Jason Bourma's short documentary on my work, and art shows from the past are up for everyone to see. As part of the promotional campaign to launch a new book, The Chameleon Snake, and maybe my first novel for adults, We Play You, I'm gearing up on all fronts.
After consulting with my editors, I'm using a different cover for The Chameleon Snake. This book is a sequel to The Love Ant, which was my first self-published book and surprised me by selling like hot cakes in Thunder Bay. I recovered the printing costs in only a few months and printed three more books as a result. I'm certain The Chameleon Snake will be as successful, and I have the added advantage of selling the two books as a package. I will be looking for assistance with turning the book into a short animated video as well.