Duncan Weller NEWS
Please follow my blog. Enter your email below. This blog developed into a general account of my arts activities, which began with a Chalmers Arts Fellowship Award to do research in Ghana for a picture book. Special thanks to the Ontario Arts Council for their support.
Sunday, 25 February 2024
Sunday, 22 January 2023
I have a YouTube page! Click HERE! (Please watch, like, share and subscribe!) Short animations, Jason Bourma's short documentary on my work, and art shows from the past are up for everyone to see. As part of the promotional campaign to launch a new book, The Chameleon Snake, and maybe my first novel for adults, We Play You, I'm gearing up on all fronts.
After consulting with my editors, I'm using a different cover for The Chameleon Snake. This book is a sequel to The Love Ant, which was my first self-published book and surprised me by selling like hot cakes in Thunder Bay. I recovered the printing costs in only a few months and printed three more books as a result. I'm certain The Chameleon Snake will be as successful, and I have the added advantage of selling the two books as a package. I will be looking for assistance with turning the book into a short animated video as well.
Thursday, 19 May 2022
Progress Continues
Detail of Spiral, Oil on Canvas |
Picture Books, The Chameleon Snake and Lara Wood are looking for a publisher by year end otherwise I'm printing them myself. |
Over the years I did hundreds of cartoons with varying themes |
While playing archivist I realized I have enough imagery and cartoons to put together two more books. Both have over 130 pages laid out in the InDesign program. Hardball and Riley: The Ultimate Collection is nearly complete. Some cartoons need conclusions, editing is required and I’d like to do an original cover. Comic Gazer includes a few cartoons, lots of illustration work, sketchbook drawings, drop sheet imagery and fine art. The introduction is turning into a philosophical exploration of the functions and motivations behind what I do, along with my take on issues in the art world.
And if all the above isn’t enough, I completed my first script a few months ago for the first episode of a serialized episodic science fiction, a three season series called E.R.S.. I hope to talk soon with a couple agents in the U.S. First, I have to do some architectural drawing and plot mapping to fully convince an agent, and hopefully a production company, that I’m not crazy.
River, depicted here, is the young talented artist who painted the background. |
Wednesday, 28 July 2021
At the Valhalla and Victoria Inn, here in Thunder Bay I gave away over a hundred books to the children of evacuees from Deer Lake and Poplar Hill. As I write there are over a 117 fires in Northwestern Ontario. As much as the elders want their people to return home as soon as possible, the evacuees could be here for weeks. A variety of emergency services from all over the province have been instrumental in the evacuees welfare. With so little rain this summer the situation won't get better soon. The well from which my friends and I are watering our little community garden is down to three feet from eight feet a month ago. We're bringing water from home to compensate. Hope for rain.
There's a new bookstore in Thunder Bay; Entershine! In the Bay/Algoma central hotspot the bookstore is sure to do well. A partnership with four owners their selection of books will quickly grow over time. It's a great place to get quality books, including mine, along with many other local authors.
Fish is back in town! A regular participant in the Definitely Superior Art Gallery and DieActive community, Fish is a visual artist, writer, model, downhill long-boarder and provocateur. Here she has painted her long-board and made the leather strap contraption that holds her books and sundry other items.
Saturday, 12 August 2017
August: Mural Work, Portraits and Logo
Claire Douglas-Lee (Assistant/apprentice - studying at McGill) paints leaves better than I so I have to follow her example. |

I've had to put book projects on hold while I work on a few commissions to pay the rent. I've hired an assistant so I don't fall behind. Claire, who is going to her first year at McGill will be leaving me at the end of the month to study politics and international studies. She's hoping to work overseas for an NGO. I didn't know she could paint! I set her up to paint leaves and now I have to adjust my style and match her unique approach.
Bille, from Thailand is working as a lab technician in town till the end of the month before she heads back to Thailand. She posed for an oil painting. I made her cheeks a bit fat so I'll have to rework the painting. It was great that she had the time to pose for a live portrait.

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Promoting and selling books at the Westfort St. Fair |
Visitor to the Country Market gets a free book! |
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
Current Works
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Afro Vinyl - Oil on board a 4'c8' sheet - hair soon to be filled with vinyl discs. |
This July continues to be active. I had fun painting this 4' x 8' tall board for the Waverly Library in Thunder Bay. Interviewed by the library: HERE. A Lakehead University Engineering student named Bobbi posed. She has braids, but was okay with the oversized afro to mimic a Chicago Library work. Our librarians used the idea to promote their "new" vinyl collection. The afro will be filled with vinyl discs.
Ocean Guard at the Thunder Bay Art Gallery |
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Read Article HERE |

Read about my work in French.
Friday, 9 September 2016
New Works, literary and visual
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Temporary cover design for book. |
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The images help me to edit text down to the basics. |
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Dr. Yes tries out new foods outside of the International Fast Food Restaurant. |
I've been asked to show at two local restaurants, which is perfect timing for me as I'm trying to complete a couple larger paintings and start a couple more paintings in new styles. Article link:
Monday, 9 May 2016
Writing in Finland
My wonderful host, Anna, checks her phone. |
Writing in Vihti, Finland |
Meeting with Pirkko-Liisa Surojegin, one of Finland's top children's book illustrators, now retired. |
Northern lights in Oulu, Finland. |
Cindy, the house cat. |
In the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, standing in front of Danae by Rembrandt. |
Anna at the Hermitage. |
Giving a talk and reading my books to children at a Finnish International School in Vantaa. |
At Caisa conference room to attend meeting with a presentation by Sandi Boucher. Host Ahti Tolvanen. Members of different political parties attend. |
Monday, 30 November 2015
The Boy from the Sun: Expanded Edition –Second Printing

Friday, 6 November 2015
AMA: A Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade
Friday, 19 June 2015
Gifts from Finland!: The Beautiful Illustrations of Pirkko-Liisa Surojegin
Saturday, 23 May 2015
The Ugg Lives! Dr. Yes, and Book Stand
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Giving Back: Big Book Giveaway at 3 different schools in Thunder Bay.
To give back to Thunder Bay for all the public's support of my endeavours as a self-published author I wanted to give away 300 books to kids across the city. About 260 + children each received their choice of one of three of my self-published picture books in the last month. And last year I gave away 90 books in Surrey, B.C. In T. Bay, I visited three different schools. The best reaction came from kids who asked me, "Can I take this home?" When I said yes, they were either thrilled or stunned. The response from the principals, teachers and the kids was fantastic. I did get paid for the readings, which basically covered the printing costs of the books, but the fun and excitement generated was what it was all about.
At St. Martins (photos below) in Westfort I did the reading in the gymnasium to 88 kids who all got books.
I also talked a little about how the stories were created, the underlying meanings, and what it's like to work as a freelancer and self-employed person. The children had lots of questions and were very attentive. There are always a few good insights and I get a few good laughs from the unpredictable responses, questions and interpretations. Thanks to all involved. It was a blast. I might do more come September. Please contact me if you think your school might be interested. Thanks!